Shop window
Understanding who we are.
We have translated the motto
of the vorarlberg museum into
the signage: know where we
are. Light plays the main role in
guiding and directing. Existing
surfaces are used as projection
surfaces. A flexible orientation
system for five parallel exhibitions.
Understanding who we are.
We have translated the motto
of the vorarlberg museum into
the signage: know where we
are. Light plays the main role in
guiding and directing. Existing
surfaces are used as projection
surfaces. A flexible orientation
system for five parallel exhibitions.
Understanding who
we are. We have
translated the motto
of the vorarlberg
museum into the
signage: know where
we are. Light plays
the main role in
guiding and directing.
Existing surfaces
are used as projection
surfaces. A flexible
orientation system
for five parallel
Staircase with orientation system - the signage works with light
photo: Darko Todorovic

Vorarlberg Museum Bregenz - designing with light (2013 TO TODAY)

The special situation in the new vorarlberg museum with five parallel exhibitions each required flexible signage. That’s why we brought light into play. Existing surfaces inside the museum are used as projection surfaces without the need for a separate materiality. The light guides and leads – and disappears at night.

The building serves as a communication surface
photo: Darko Todorovic
Building signage above the main entrance
photo: Darko Todorovic
Cloakroom with poster displays
photo: Darko Todorovic
The guidance system is projected onto the floor and walls with so-called gobos
photo: Darko Todorovic
The window panes serve as a communication surface on special occasions
photo: Darko Todorovic
A photograph by Nikolaus Walter was "wallpapered" here
photo: Darko Todorovic
Typographic intervention on the occasion of the exhibition "Ich, Felder. Poet and Rebel."
photo: Darko Todorovic
Felder text on the LED display
Video: Darko Todorovic

Light leads and guides through the museum. The respective information texts are projected onto existing surfaces via patterned glass panes in the so-called Gobo projectors. The orientation system is thus strongly linked to the physical building and creates a clear differentiation to the respective exhibition graphics. In the foyer, an online-controlled beamer provides up-to-date information on specific topics and contents. The signage above the main entrance, an LED screen and two façade showcases complete the signage.

A selection of museum posters in quick succession
Folder for the permanent exhibition "literally vorarlberg".
The three stele at the main entrance informs about the museum's cultural programme
photo: Darko Todorovic
Animated exhibition poster "Beyond the picture postcard. The Alps in Photography."
Exhibition poster in public space
photo: Darko Todorovic
Animated exhibition poster "Romans, Alamanni, Christians.
Exhibition poster "Richard Bösch Retrospective
Exhibition communication "Wacker im Krieg" (Wacker at war)
Newspaper advertisement "see who we are
Programme booklet "Summer in the Museum
House folder 2019
Info folder "Jazz in the Museum"
Design business cards
Business card
Logo pin